
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:54:10
主办、协办 公民视角、残疾人无障碍融入摄影展。我们渴望独立、尊严、无障碍的出行。台阶阻挡了轮椅前行,我们只好在马路上排队等候。专供轮椅使用的坡道板给我们带来了方便。不过,要想在地铁车厢内实现共享也还很难。地铁内设置的残疾人临时通道标志,但是待我们上车后这个标志也随之撤掉。为了使用楼梯轮椅载具,我们等了很长时间。不过地铁配置的升降机和轮椅载具,还是为我们的乘坐带来了可能。第三部分,我们的盲人朋友。快乐出行,盲道之寻,台阶之惑---盲道突然中断。这高高的台阶,高高的门槛,让我们很无奈。如果这里有一个坡道。故宫的无障碍设施应予保留,故宫不只是健全人的故宫,退职升降梯非常方便我们游览故宫,游故宫,我们需要你。2008年残奥会,我们的狂欢节。智障孩子的欢笑。艰难的前行,渴望有一条平安路。走在这样的路上你的心会暖嘛?美丽的长城,无障碍设施同样很精彩。这里的坡道有些陡,沟坎虽小,隐患无穷。张望中的无奈。这里的无障碍通道让我们畅行无阻。但是也有着小小的不和谐音符。

Organized co-citizenship perspective, integration into the photographic exhibition accessible to persons with disabilities. We desire for independence, dignity, barrier-free travel. Steps to stop a wheelchair before the trip, we had no choice but to wait on the street. For a wheelchair ramp boards used to facilitate us. However, in the subway in order to share the inside is still very difficult to achieve. Subway people with temporary access set up signs, but when we get on the train after the removal of the signs also. In order to use the staircase, wheelchair vehicle, and we waited a long time. However, MTR configured vehicle lifts and a wheelchair, or for us to bring the ride possible. The third part, we are friends of the blind. Happy trip, look for the blind road, step on the confusion --- suddenly blind road. This high level, the high threshold, we are helpless. If there is a ramp. Palace of the barrier-free facilities should be retained, the Palace is not just the able-bodied