
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 06:42:08
谢绝翻译软件 希望英语达人能翻译出地道的口语 简单易懂

1 首先我想说对不起,因为这段时间我真的太忙了,所以直到今天才有时间回复你的邮件.

2 我最好的一个朋友去另外一个城市,我有一点点悲伤.

3 谢谢你对我的关心,我认为已经没什么了,过去的事情就让它过去,我现在很好,我想我会继续走我的路,去实现我的梦想,不管别人怎么看待怎么说,我就是我.

4 我也希望你的梦想也能实现,有梦想总是一件很酷的事情

1 First of all I want to say sorry, because I've been really busy these days and I don't have time to reply your mail until today.

2 One of my best friends goes to another city, whick makes me a little sad.

3 Thank you for caring about me. I no longer think it matters, and let the past pass. I'm well, and I believe I'll stick to my way of life to realize my dreams, however others look on me. I'm always myself.

4 I also hope your dreams will come true. Bearing dreams in mind is always a cool thing.

1 首先我想说对不起,因为这段时间我真的太忙了,所以直到今天才有时间回复你的邮件.
I want to say sorry first of all. I'm too busy these days. Until today I find out a time to give you a reply.

2 我最好的一个朋友去另外一个城市,我有一点点悲伤.
My best friend left for another city and I feel a little sorrow.

3 谢谢你对我的关心,我认为已经没什么了,过去的事情就让它过去,我现在很好,我想我会继续走我的路,去实现我的梦想,不管别人怎么看待怎么说,我就是我.
Thank you for your concern. I feel much better. Just let the past past. I&#