
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 05:35:27

Everyone is rich and unique, this is I have been convinced that, although everyone should be cherished and understanding each other, however some, some disagreement remains, accompanied by unhappiness, and even each other arms. The same city, each city has its own taste and temperament, hereditary, and the city, but also among people as more worthy of a lot of the taste. I like Hangzhou, from my experience here. But prior to that, Hangzhou in the first set foot on the land, not even in my life before the visit in Hangzhou, has been in love with the city. Has been in Beijing for a 6 years of my life living outside his home in Baoji city in the longest time, and cooked by the Health and gradually adapt to the the city, but it was too hard core, too political, too many officials like culture, even if there are grass-roots civil bottom, but are submerged in the vast and powerful in the flavor of Imperial. If the city has sex, that it has been too masculine. Beijing does not mean that ba