
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 16:49:41
Surprisingly, some of the pain-insensitive patients responded on fMRI similarly to normal controls -- their pain perception regions lit up. Others had the anticipated lack of response. The difference between the two groups correlated with the degree of empathy that was elicited on a standard empathy assessment questionnaire. The authors concluded that those patients who responded had the "empathy trait."

If this study pans out and can be duplicated under a variety of similar circumstances, the inference is profound: Each of us is wired differently for feeling the pain and suffering of others, irrespective of our past personal experience.

So is empathy an inborn trait?

One piece of evidence comes from observations on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Thought to have a strong genetic predisposition, patients with autism and Asperger's syndrome commonly are unable to grasp what others are thinking and feeling. Listen to this mother of a toddler w

作者总结说,这些病人谁回答了“同情特质。 ”
撞他的头或掐手指。 “我儿子问我,最令人费解的问题,如'这是为什么婴儿哭? ' '他为什么这样做? '和,我最喜爱的, '不能说,我们采取噪声婴儿回到商店并获得一个新的? “如果基因中发挥重要作用的Autisti
进一步支持来自研究反社会行为,无论是在儿童和成人“精神病患者。 ” (我使用的不幸偏见的“精神变态者”指人慢性反社会行为谁缺乏反省自己的行动,而不是反社会行为的悔恨和内疚存在。 )
看三千六百双7岁的双胞胎,英国双胞胎早期发育研究发现,反社会行为在7岁的孩子普遍下跌分为两类:一类是正常程度的同情和那些称为冷酷无情,缺乏同情心。前者被认为是主要环境介(教训的行为) ,