
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 21:52:04

1. 他没有为英格兰的出局找任何借口。
He is making no excuses for England's exit.
2. 学生们绝对没有任何借口不去大声读英语和刻苦学习!
Students here have absolutely no excuse not to yell English and study hard!
3. 休斯敦人已经没有任何借口了,他们有能力打出一个出色的赛季。
Houston people already did not have any excuse, they have ability to split out a splendid season.
4. 10个不带头盔的借口,他们都非常糟糕,恐怖,没有任何好处。
10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Excuses for Not Wearing a Helmet!
5. 家庭暴力没有任何借口,画面直接出现这个概念的矛盾点,直接了当。
There's no excuse for domestic violence. Talk to someone who cares.
6. 没有那么糟。-让我感觉很糟。我不会为它找出任何借口–根本没有借口。
It's not as bad as that. -It gets me here. I can't give you any excuses for it - there are no excuses.
7. 以公民的名义,没有任何借口可以让这些孩子因为身体残疾而从孤儿变成弃儿。
To citizens in the name can be no excuse for these children because of physical disability from the abandoned children become orphans.
8. “这段时间我们在英超确实比较艰难,不过没有任何借口,我们必须迎头赶上。”
"Unfortunately, it hasn't happene