
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 10:31:02
Manga is an aspect of Japanese Pop Culture that is very different than the comic books parallel in the western world. Manga is drawn in black and white, and published in significant volumes weekly in dedicated magazines. In Japan everyone can read manga, no matter what your age is. There are children's, parents, even grandparents, they are all like to read manga. Mange is not only a children reading, sometimes it includes rule of life; how to be a good people, and it will teach you many things you ever know.


Manga is an aspect of Japanese Pop Culture that(建议which,不该也没事) is very different than(from) the comic books parallel in the western world. Manga is drawn in black and white, and published in significant volumes weekly in dedicated magazines. In Japan everyone can read manga, no matter what your age is. There are children's(children), parents, even grandparents, they are(去掉are) all like to read manga. Mange is not only a children reading, sometimes it includes rule(the rule) of life; how to be a(去掉a) good people(或者 a good person), and it will teach you many things you ever(never) know.

漫画是日本流行文化的一个方面,它与西方类似的连环画不同。漫画是黑白的,并且都在特定的杂志上大宗圈幅刊登。在日本,人人都可以读漫画,不管年龄多大。儿童,父母,甚至爷爷奶奶(建议你在检查一下你的逗号是不是放错位置了 children's, )都喜欢看漫画。漫画不仅只是儿童读物,有时它也包含人生的道理,比如如何做好人,也能教你从来不知道的事情。

Manga are an aspect of Japanese pop culture very different from the comic books in the western world. Manga are drawn in black and white, and published weekly in significant numbers in ded