
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 19:55:00
西班牙传统服饰,就像西班牙人的热情开朗,有著丰富且强烈对比色彩。较为人所熟知的是南部安达鲁西亚地区(身著艳丽色彩,大波浪裙摆及袖口的传统服饰) Flamenco佛朗明哥舞者。其实在其他区也有许多颇具地方特色的传统服饰与舞蹈。这些各地区独特的地方性传统服饰,加上好动开朗西班牙人有著浓厚民族色彩的音乐,形成了非常吸引人的西班牙传统舞蹈。尤其是在节庆活动时,更可看到因区域、人文、气候、历史条件下所发展出各具特色的传统服饰与舞蹈。


加利西亚省有著最多样化的传统服饰。当地妇女为方便於工作,穿著不是很长的裙子(以呢料之红、绿、棕色或紫色的裙子居多) 。白色麻布衬衫,黑色或暗蓝色呢料背心,加上一条披肩在胸前交叉,绕过肩后,以银制别针固定。头上用头巾包裹。男士则穿著呢料短裤,装饰华丽的背心,以及丝绒质或呢料外套,亚麻衬衫及羊毛帽。




Spain traditional costumes, like the enthusiasm of the Spaniards cheerful, and rich colors and sharp contrast. The more well-known in the southern Andalusia region (dressed in bright colors, big waves and skirt the traditional costumes cuff) Flamenco flamenco dancers. In fact, there are many other areas of local characteristics rather traditional costumes and dance. These regions unique local traditional costumes, together with the active open the Spaniards have a strong ethnic music, forming a very attractive traditional dance of Spain. Especially in the festive activities, but also can be seen from region to region, culture, climate, historical conditions of the development of their own traditional costumes and dance.

Matador costumes are short jackets, gold and silver threads from sewing. A set of services including Bull, jackets. Vest. Shirt. Semi-tight trousers. And red socks, black and special平底鞋round black cap.

Galicia has the most diverse province of