
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 18:41:15

A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone.

There was a kindness in those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion. Making him so easy to read. An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he came Jn contact with, During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. Scars on his back were proof of his heroism. He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also