急!求助 帮忙检查一下语法问题(30分)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 01:28:32
本人语法不好 帮忙检查一下语法问题 谢谢~~~
1.As presented visually in the previous picture.
2.The picture has profound significance in our daily life.
3.The picture conveys /exposes an implied trend, which reflect....
4.The crucial is not to set goals too high.
5.I would do whatever I can to sure than.
6.The successful behind is that endless field sweat and resolutely faith.
So this cause can be decided by Chinese national conditions and system.
8.The detail decides the success or failure.

1.As presented visually in the previous picture(语法倒没什么,只是不是句子哦)
2.The picture has a profound significance in our daily life.
3.The picture showes an implied trend, which reflects....
4.The crucial thing is not to set the goal too high.
5.I would do whatever I can to ensure...
6.The success behind is endless sweating in the field and a resolute faith.
7.So this cause can be decided by Chinese national conditions and systems.
8.Details decide success or failure.

1.As presented visually in the previous picture.(没有错误但不是句子,应该有下文接着的。如果紧接着的是第二句话的话那就有大错误了,不得而知,希望作者明示,这样一句句来我只能一句句修改。关于通篇衔接问题作者自己搞定吧)
2.The picture has a farreaching significance in our daily life.(profound渊博的 ,深厚的 ,通常用来形容渊博的知识,或者深厚的感情,表达深远的意义一般用farreaching. )
3.The picture heralds an implied trend, which reflect.... (herald:预示某事物的来临,趋势,结合语境,个人感觉比show更到位,因为文意想表达的是那张照片预示或蕴含着暗含的趋势,所以觉得用herald更好,而convey通常是指表达感情,用在这里表示预示趋势不合适)
4.It is crucial that not to set the goals too h