有没有牛人可以直接 日译英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 00:08:26
明日(あす)へ向(む)かう汽车(きしゃ)は とぎれたレールで
もう 振(ふ)り返(かえ)るばかり とまどう私(わたし)
手(て)と手(て)つなぎ合(あ)わせ 一绪(いっしょ)に走(はし)ると
そう 大(おお)きな力(ちから)が 出(だ)せるのはなぜ?
いつも いつも いつでも
いつも いつも どこでも
いつも いつも いつでも
きっと きっと 谁(だれ)でも

Tomorrow (Thursday) to improve (fog)汽车feed (syndicate) is a rail TOGIRETA
The other vibration (bad) Return RI (stand-in) and just be puzzled me that (I)
Hand (to) and get () if connect (or) a precocious绪(together) to running (chopsticks) and that
So large (O) has power (faculty) have (a) the cause is?
She's at any time
Copy (commuting) if time (Oh) I take
She's everywhere
飞() line I (oil) I kick
She's at any time
侧people (near) the
谁sure you (who) But
I'm not alone

Tomorrow is a rail car to MUKAUKI TOGIRETA
I just look back now and heresy
Run together and tie it together with the

Tag is out of the stirrup so large?
She's at any time
Commuting) I have the same
She's everywhere
I YUKERU colonization
She's at any time
Be around people
Anyone would surely
I'm not alone