英语完形 翻译 讲解

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 10:45:31
Bertha Ingram had been collecting them for more than 40 years. Every once in a while she would bring home a new book. She'd sit with it on her leg, looking at the meaningless black marks without moving eyes and cry.
She was not stupid. She simply had not had the _35_ to learn to read. Her parents were sharecroppers in Florida in the 1920s. Sharecroppers did not own the _36_ they farmed.Instead,they gave a
part of the their crops(plants grown on farms for food) to the owner. It was quite a hard way to __37__, and both of Bertha's parents worked hard in the fields. Often Bertha had to leave school to help. Before she was a teenager, Bertha's schooling was _38_.
Bertha Ingram didn't learn to read _39_her early married life, either. She wanted to, but she was always too busy. She worked all day.
Bertha Ingram's mind was sharp(敏锐地). As a housekeeper for other people, she had to memorize telephone messages. She became a good cook too, but she had to _

Bertha Ingram收集书超过40年了.每隔一些时候她会带一本书回家.她将书放在腿上坐着,聚精会神地看着那些符号,但她却是看不懂。
在1978年Bertha Ingram 得了中风.疾病导致她失去对一直胳臂和两条腿的控制,她的语言能力亦变弱了.正当她恢复时,她有了平生第一次的一个令人兴奋的想法.既然无法工作,那么就有去学习读书.在她的小镇中有一个教成人读书的地方,开始但她很紧张.他们会拒绝教她吗?事实上是没有的.之后她有了一个工作严谨的老师.一天后她可以勉强去图书馆.
正当她学习读书时,她对自己的信心也与日俱增.她成了一位宗教服务读者,参加社区组织,在城市礼堂现身.最后她写了一部自传。在63岁时,Bertha Ingram 用自己证明了——学习永远不晚.

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