maxman是骗子 说什么第二代 maxman是骗子 说什么第二代maxman是骗子 说什么第二代

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 08:15:28
maxman是骗子 说什么第二代 在什么官网验证了 也是正品 可是把我弄阳痿了

....多养些日子就好了! 之前我老公也是乱吃东西最后....
后来养了些日子...大概半个月到一个月吧 又恢复了..多吃点好的补补


美国到底有没有maxman,我在网上用英文查过,美国根本就没有什么maxman,而且我发电子邮件给美国FDA,他们回复说在美国没有这种东西,以下是美国来函对此增大产品的评论:MAXMAN does not advertise in US and not known too. I have checked on MAXMANs ingredients and found Androstenedione is one of the ingredient. Androstenedione is a hormone that has been viewed as harmful substance and banned by FDA last year. In fact, potential long-term consequences of the use of Androstenedione products in men would result in decreased testicle size, impotence, and the development of female characteristics such as breast enlargement. It is ILLEGAL to sell any product that contains Androstenedione in US.