
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 09:22:32

因为这番话是要跟校长说的,所以想说得得体一点,尤其是“快不行了(就是快挂了)”这句可否用婉转一点。。。毕竟说he's nearly die soon貌似太直接,不好听吧,所以请专业的大侠帮我一下,要得体而且是外国人能一听就懂的。。。

Because my Grandfather is having a bad disease (illness), and he might pass away at any minute, the date (that) I (am going to) return to China is not expectable. It is really hard to tell when his condition gets worse.

pass away 逝世,(其实老外对生死看得比较淡薄,因为信教,相信死后会上天堂,所以还好)前面有 because 了中间不要加 so 哦!
is having 用进行时,用过去时说明病已经结束了(不是好了,就是...)
病情用 condition 就可以了。

最好能说出病的名字 代替 disease。

"Because my grandfather had a very serious illness, dying soon, so I return to the days when not expected, the deterioration of the disease is difficult to accurately say"

"My grandfather is dying due to his illness, so I'm not sure when I need to go back to China... because exactly when he will go... is hard to say..."


My grandfather's badly ill, so I am afraid that when I will return from abroad could not be sure. You know, the state of an illness is quite hard to pred