
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:16:11

The recent upheaval in the financial sector has some people in a panic, most people bewildered, and others busy aiming their pointer fingers at whomever they think is guilty of doing something that contributed to this problem. The presidential candidates are in the latter category. They aren’t quite sure what to do or what to say, but that doesn’t stop them from saying something, anyway.

John McCain made a decisive statement, attempting to show leadership, but his statement was not a very smart one. Barack Obama, by contrast, simply blamed Republicans.

Few things are as simple as politicians make them seem in an election year. Political candidates succeed by issuing pointed statements that are easy to understand and that connect with voters; truth and accuracy are not the primary concerns.

The important thing right now is to figure out what actually happened in the financial sector, and fix things so it can’t happen again. We must ignore the treme