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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 17:14:34

摘 要
改革开放以来,中国经济高速发展,经济的发展使得物质生活不断丰富,必然导致人们对生活质量的更高追求。婚姻在人的一生中历时漫长,因而婚姻生活的幸福与否对人生幸福与否、对生活质量的高低具有重大意义。传统社会中,女性“嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗”,婚姻生活幸福与否单方面的取决于男方。现如今随着社会保障制度的建立和社会保障水平的提高,婚姻观念尤其是女性的婚姻观念发生改变,婚姻生活由双方共同经营共同决定。而城市作为经济发展最快和受益最为显著的地方,城市女性婚姻观念的改变最早、思想也最新。从婚姻自主权的改变,结婚目的的改变,家庭观念的改变到对待离婚态度的改变,城市女性婚姻观念经历了一场巨大的变革。女性婚姻的自由和解放不仅得益于整个时代和社会发展的大背景 ,更是女性自强不息自身发展的必然结果。然而几千年传统社会根深蒂固的婚姻观绝不会轻易妥协,女性婚姻观念改变的艰难之外也注定了会带来挑战惯性传统社会不可避免的问题。如何平衡女性婚姻观念改变带来的利与弊,如何在现代和传统中探索前进成为21世纪构建和谐社会的又一难题。

关键词:婚姻观念;女性; 社会和谐

the transfer of the marriage concept of urban women

since the reform and opening up, china's economy has a rapid developing which enriched our object living and increased the people's pursuing of living quality. Marriage is a long process of a human's life, then whether the marriage is happy or not determined whether the couple's life is happiness and has high quality or not.In tradition cociety, the women's marriage lives just lied on their husbands,they always followed the man who married with them.Nowadays, with the social security institution's constructing and social security standard's improving,the marriage concept, especially for women, has changed a lot.The marriage life is decided by couple's mutual management and decision.And city regards as the most rapid developing location and remarkable sign,which lead to the urban women changes thier concept earliest and even modern. For the transfer of the marriage self-decisi