
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 23:13:32

[摘要] 中世纪欧洲在12至15世纪达到鼎盛,其经济和社会产生了深刻的变革,其思想、文化和艺术也达到了空前的发展。这一时期的艺术风格,通常被称为“哥特式” 风格。哥特式艺术指12世纪至16世纪欧洲出现的以建筑为主的艺术,包括雕塑、绘画和工艺美术。哥特式艺术是夸张的、不对称的、奇特的、轻盈的、复杂的和 多装饰的,以频繁使用纵向延伸的线条为其一大特征。表现在建筑上,就有尖拱券、小尖塔、垛墙、飞扶壁和彩色玻璃镶嵌等典型元素。Gothic作为名词,只 能指称哥特式建筑和哥特式字体。但作为形容词加在艺术或时装之前,就可以指称哥特式艺术或哥特式时装。在20世纪的最后几年中,这个词在时装报刊上出现的 频率也非常之局。哥特式艺术是一种浪漫型的艺术。所以,哥特式时装可视为当下正流行的新浪漫主义时装的一个分支。在中国服装界,哥特式这个词更多地被学院 派人士所引用。

[Abstract] medieval Europe in 12-15 centuries to reach its peak, and its economic and social changes have had a profound, and its ideological, cultural and arts also reached an unprecedented development. The art of this period style, often referred to as "Gothic" style. Gothic art refers to the 12th century to the 16th century, the construction of Europe-based art, including sculpture, painting and arts and crafts. Gothic art is exaggerated, asymmetrical, strange, light, complex and multi-decoration, to the frequent use of vertical lines to extend its characteristics of a major. Manifested