VC++算法动态规划的问题 题目我都不是很明白 求高人解答

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 10:42:22

Citizens of Byteland adore all sports in which logical thinking is as important as physical skills. One of these sports is crossing the Hex River – the widest river in Byteland. There are n poles numbered 1…n (from left to right) stretching across the river. The citizens have to cross the river by going from the left bank to one pole perhaps to another and so on

and then to the right bank. The left bank is located one pole to the left of pole 1; the right bank is located one pole to the right of pole n.

At time 0, the citizen is on the left bank of the Hex River with the goal of reaching the right bank of the river as quickly as possible. At any given time, each pole is either up or down and the citizen is standing on a pole or standing on a bank of the river. A citizen can stand on a pole only if it is up; such a pole is available.

Each pole is down at time 0 and then spends a time units up, b time units down, a time units up






在接下来有n行,每行有两个数,代表每个pole up和down的时间长短,也就是前面提到的a和b。。
