
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 12:53:24

Is one of nature, human nature can not survive. Nature of the various resources are interrelated, on the one hand the destruction in other areas will be affected, directly or indirectly, a threat to human survival, so that humanity be punished, so we want to protect nature. Nature of some of the resources can be regenerated, to contribute to long-term people, but people do not increase as a result of uncontrolled exploitation of abuse, in order to speed up the Earth's depletion of mineral resources. They thought it was increasing its own interests, and their lives will be better, but in fact it is for everyone and brought their own future disaster. Nature is so beautiful, both mountains, tall buildings, as well as flowers and trees, blue sky green grass, can people still not reconciled, in order to better survival, the constant use of natural and modified natural. However, the irrational use and the transformation is of course subject to the destruction of nature, but also to th