
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 07:11:21
Have you noticed that chocolate bars are shrinking? The prices of chocolate and sugar are always going up. The chocolate bar makers pass the money on to buyers. They know that people don’t want to pay more, so they make smaller chocolate bars. In one year a chocolate bar may go from 15og to 125g to 100g in weight while the price stays the same. When the bar gets so small that no one will buy it, they will make it larger and the price goes up, too.

( )41. What does “shrink” mean in this passage?

A. become expensive B. become cheaper

C. become smaller D, become bigger

( )42. How do chocolate makers pass the money on to buyers?

A. They give some money to buyers so that they can buy their chocolate.

B. They make chocolate bars smaller but don’t change the price.

C. They make chocolate bars bigger without changing their price.

D. They just let the price of choco

- -有打这些字的功夫都能做完了……
1.C(PS楼上的不对吧- -shrinking不是收缩吗,不是物价上涨吧)
4.= =不知道,问:这段话最有可能是出自哪里?
A杂志 B日记 C科学书 D报纸
= =大概是……D报纸吧……(美食类书是不是也有可能?)

44:你认为这篇文章出自哪里...A杂志 D报纸
都可能捏` 自己猜个把..
