
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 05:32:20
Joan Baez(琼拜雅)这位美国民谣之后,就有好几首这样的传世之作,如“Donna , Donna”、“The night they drove old Dixies down”及“Diamonds and rust”等。其中“Diamonds and rust”是一首难度较高的曲子。
琼拜雅的嗓音清亮、纯净,技巧成熟,许多知名作曲家都乐意提供作品给她唱,因而她比较知名的曲子大都不是自己所写,“Diamonds and rust.”是她自己谱写的歌曲中最为人熟知的一首。
琼拜雅於50年代末投入美国民歌运动,进入60年代,她遇见了巴布狄伦(Bob Dylan,后来被尊称为“民谣摇滚之父”最着名的作品是“Blowing in the wind”),两人惺惺相惜,彼此都十分赏识对方的才华,而开展了一段秘密恋情。
「钻石」在英文中常常被比喻为“回忆里美好的事物”,有一首歌名叫“Some days are diamonds,some days are stones.”其比喻类似,至於「铁锈」、「石头」则用来比喻“回忆中不美好的事物”。

Those who learn folk guitar, and when they came into contact with Western music, there are a few songs is not no, on the one hand is playing skills training, on the one hand because the song is beautiful and moving melody, is sustainable. Joan Baez (Joan el ya), after the American folk song, there are several of the first handed down for this, such as "Donna, Donna", "The night they drove old Dixies down" and "Diamonds and rust" and so on. One of "Diamonds and rust" is a more difficult song. Beit Ya Qiong voice clear, pure, mature techniques, and many well-known composers are happy to present their works to her singing, which she mostly relatively well-known song was not written by himself, "Diamonds and rust." Is to write her own songs in the most one known. The lyrics of this song long, complex imagery, and many people even though the search after English vocabulary, can not understand the meaning of them. The reason is that