
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 01:34:46

In our impression, the cow represents the weak while the leopard represents power. But in this movie it's just the opposite. In the movie, the cow shows no fear in face of the powerful leopard. I see power, confidence and courage. This is what I learned from the movie. I our daily life, we sometimes have to face things that we are afraid of. Some even everyone is against you, saying that you will fail. But if the cow can scare away the leopard, what else cannot be achieved? The story tells us that we should have faith in ourselves. when we have the confidence and courage, nothing impossible.

In people's impression, the ox is the weak, the leopard is kings, but on the contrary in this film. In the film, the ox faces the surging leopard, without look of fear, what I saw is strength, self-confident, and courage, this speaks volumes for me. In life, we face the thing that we fear sometimes, even all people say you will not succeed, but the ox can frighten the le