与in his thirties意思相近的解释 "more than thirty"还是"at the age of thirty"? 要有根据哦。谢谢!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 21:50:19

in his thirties意思是在他的三十几岁的时候,注意是“三十几岁”。可以是超过30岁也可以是正好是30岁。所以in his thirties正是包含了 "more than thirty"和"at the age of thirty"是它们的并集。

in his thirties的意思是“在他三十多岁的时候”,就是三十至三十九岁之间,而more than thirty是指超过三十岁,at the age of thirty是指(就)在三十岁时,所以我个人认为两个都不太相近

in his thirties是在他30多岁时(30--39)
所以包括more than thirty和at the age of thirty

in his thirties就是 在他三十岁左右
more than thirties 大于三十岁的
at the age of thrities 正三十岁