
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 06:07:08
notably,there seems to be significantly less concern about technology skill among those who plan to offer e-learning(35.3%),perhaps reflecting an overall sense that end users are becoming more comfortable both with the web and with e=learning. conern about financial return is only slightly lower (39.5%),but clearly this group is conerned about the amount of staff resources thea will be required to develop e-learning(57.1%)

值得注意的是,那些计划提供的人看起来似乎有很明显不太关注科学技术(35.3 %),也许反映了整体上的终端用户越来越习惯于既符合网络又符合电子化学习。有关财务回报的考虑只是略低(39.5 %) ,但显然,这个关系到能促进(要求吧~~~)电子学习的人力资源的数量(57.1 %)
