
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 12:04:46
摘 要
VI即(visual Identaty), 通译为识别,是CIS中最具传播力和感染力的层面。人们所感知的外部信息,有83%是通过视觉通道到达人们心智的。也就是说,视觉是人们接受外部信息的最重要和最主要的通道。企业形象的视觉识别,即是将CI的非可视内容转化为静态的视觉识别符号,以无比丰富的多样的应用形式,在最为广泛的层面上, 进行最直接的传播。VI的设计不是机械的符号操作,而是以MI为内涵的生动表述。所以,VI设计应多角度、全方位地反映企业的经营理念。VI设计不是设计人员的异想天开而是要求具有较强的可实施性。


Foreign Trade Garments Co., Ltd. VI Design
  VI that the (visual Identaty), pass into the identification, the CIS and the dissemination of the most appealing aspect. It is the perception of external information, 83% through the visual channel to reach people's minds. In other words, visual access to outside information is the most important and the most important channel. Corporate image of the visual recognition, that is, non-visual content of CI into the visual recognition of static symbols, with an abundant variety of application forms, the most wide spread of the most direct. Design VI symbols rather than machines to operate, but in MI for the content of a vivid expression. Therefore, VI design of multi-angle all-round to reflect the concept of corporate management. VI design not the designer's whimsical but rather can be a strong sexual.
  Design science, enabling the implementation of visual recognition, is the spread of enterprise management,