
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:28:32

Dear Dad,

Today is known as father's day. A day set aside to remind all children to remember their father in some way. A day to give expression and appreciation, for the love and care they have received and are receiving, from their fathers. Knowing you care little for a lot of sentimental or emotional praise, I will limit my words of praise by saying I have, in my life time, meet and known many fine fathers, and have read about many great men , yet, I can truthfully say I am glad I am your son.

There are several reasons why I am glad you are my father. First, you made my years of childhood and youth a period of life delightful to live over in my memory. A pleasure I engage in perhaps more than I would if I could see you more often. You found time to go swimming with me, to carry me on fishing trips, and you let me go hunting with you long before I was large enough to carry a gun. My memory of my fellowship with you during my childhood and youth