
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 06:02:01
写形容,词比较级 和 最高级的句子 各3句

I'm from China.
I'm from Japan.
I'm from France.
I hope you better soon

I'm from China.
I'm from Japan.
I'm from France.
I hope you better soon.
我想不出来了 抱歉

比较级:I run is very faster.

This is a small dog.
This dog is smaller than that dog .
This dog is the smallest than the dogs under the trees.
this pen is good.
this pen is better than that one.
this pen is the best of all these pens.
I'm from China.
I'm from Japan.
I'm from France.
I hope you better soon.


This pen is expensive.
This turtle is interesting.
This cai is colourful.
This ren is more expensiv.
This turtle is more interesting.
This cai is more colourful.
This pen is the most expensive.
This turtle is the most interesting.
This cai is the most colourful.