
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 14:42:57

Bianjing汴京 North Korea claims to the ancient capital of seven
号称七朝古都 Yue Gen Clouds, Sunset Hill Yi, Jin-Liang晓月, funded熏风St., Dongxue Baigang, spring river waves, blowing rain and Taiwan, the Chen-Zhong Bao. "With the history of changes, Li Min艮岳行云,夷山夕照,金梁晓月,资圣熏风,百岗冬雪,大河春浪,吹台秋雨,开宝晨钟。”随着历史的变迁,明人李濂又重新编写“汴京八景g Lian also rewrite" Eight Bianjing就这么多了


Zhenhai Tower 参考了:)~

Standing on the top of Yuexiu Hill in the northern suburbs, the 28-metre-high five-story tower, Zhenhai Tower (also known as the Five-Story Pagoda) was built on the orders of Zhu Liangzu, the Yongjia Marquis of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), to flaunt his power and the obsession that he was able to shake the seas and mountains. A magnificent building, it commands a bird's-eye view of the whole city. The tower now houses the City Museum; its exhibits chronicle the history of Guangzhou from Neolithic times till the early part of the 20th century.