
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:51:24
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: HI
Stranger: I need some help
You: what
Stranger: I accidentally my sister and I don't know what to do
Stranger: what should I do
You: ……
Stranger: ... ... doesn't help me
You: Are Your parents know?
Stranger: I need some advice I accidentally her and Now I think I'm screwed
Stranger: of course not
You: What is the attitude of your sister
Stranger: unconscious
You: ……
Stranger: fuck man
Stranger: what am I going to do
You: Frankly it
Stranger: I accidentally her all over
You: ……
You: Frankly it
You: Long delay of more trouble
You: My English not goodCan only help you so much

Stranger: shit shit shit shit shit she's awake
You: ……
You: What is the situation now
Stranger: she wants to know what happened
Stranger: how can I tell her I accidentally her

首先我可以肯定的告诉你这个人关于这件事是骗你的。。 呵呵
他说的是他和他的sister做了那种事情(乱什么什么的。。。),他说的每次aacidentally后省略了动词,因为双方都比较明白。中文大概就是“我不小心和我妹妹那个了”(I accidentally 。。。my sister )这里的那个他省略掉了。


