
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 17:25:45
谢谢!但是还是不是我要找的!还有吗? 歌词如下:story of my life searing for the right but it keeps avoiding me srrow in my soul cause it seems that wrong.........请哪位好心人找到这歌曲名字。

Unfaithful 蕾安娜(Rihanna)的歌

That place in your heart 一首反战歌曲


That place in your heart [内心深处]
In your heart... 你的心灵
Walk with me 曾与我同行
break some bread here with me 某些利益使你我反目成仇
Enemy 敌人
Why can’t you live with me? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?
Who are you? 你是谁?
what did i do to you? 我曾对你做了什么吗?
Wish i knew 但愿我知道
Why can’t i live with you? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?
We are all born the same 我们都生于同一片蓝天
Then we separate 然而却要分道扬镳
Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂
and blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨
we can not contemplate 我们根本无