问一个关于as far as的用法

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 21:01:01
我在和外国朋友聊天的时候对方打了这样一个句子: Do the Chinese characters act like the western alphabet, as far as put a few together to make a word?
这个地方的as far as是什么意思 属于什么用法 最好再给我举个类似的例子

此处的far是指“程度”上有多远, Collins词典的解释如下:

You can talk about how far a person or action goes to describe the degree to which someone's behaviour or actions are extreme.
可用how far来描述人或事的所为或进展,来描述行为或事态的发展程度

eg: a) It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans... 俄罗斯国会将会把其计划施展到何种程度目前尚未可知。

b) This time he's gone too far. 这次他做得太过了。

所以你提问的句子可这样理解: 是不是中国汉字像西方的字母一样,可以用单独的字组成词?


Are you going to marry me, as far as you feel security with me?

这里的意思是“从……来看”相当于 in terms of

1. 用于本义,意为“与……一样远”“一直到……” (在否定句中也可用 so far as)。如:

We walked as far as the river. 我们一直走到河边。

We didn’t go as [so] far as the others. 我们走得不如其他人远。

I’ve read as far as the third chapter. 我已读到第三章。

2. 用于引申义,意为“就……而言”“从……来看”“尽……所能”“只要”(有时可用 so far a