世纪天成 m134

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 08:16:44
世纪天成 7月1日新出的.M134 怎么让他不停的转动.要不开火时太慢了.



M134已经比MG3威力大 射速快了````
你还要他 马上就开火 这不就太变态了额??

M134射速快 威力大 缺点就是 枪身重移动速度慢 开火时 要等他先转1秒左右的枪口`

This gun was originally designed so that the city is days Design / production of waste products in a NB can be said to be the best quality in a unique world. Shot too paralysis from key press to shoot 2 to 4 seconds. Bullet the question of the number of 200 rounds of ammunition issued by the power of 3 is 300. the poor accuracy unusual special powerful fighting 4. shooting hand after the restrictions on movement (almost can not move) 5. weight amazing 5:00 from the above can be concluded that the designer is a SB! Also expensive to buy! To be permanent (1080 game coins = 108 yuan) CB in the CB we buy

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