
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:29:14
1.Where was your sister go last night?
2.Did the bird took away his cap?
3.What did the typhoon come?Last night.
4.The leaves fell from the trees in winter every year.
5.What's wrong to you?
6.My dad ride to work and I walk to school every year.
7.What will Tony and Ben going to do tomorrow?
8.She shoulds drink more water because she has a fever.
9.Peter watch TV on Sunday morning.
10.I wasn't do my homework last night.
11.My friends helped I sweep the floor.
12.There is many besutiful parks in Beijing.
13.Will it be rain the day after tomorrow?
14.What's the matter with they?They have a cold.
15.Does he going to have a picnic tomorrow morning?
16.Can his mother goes on vacation nest month.

其实唐僧的形象可以说与传说的白面书生不谋而合。虽然满怀理想主义,却手无缚鸡之力,当困难发生的时侯,总是束手无策,坐待外援。而他的迂腐和不明是非真相,似乎在显现作者对当政者昏庸无能的暗讽。但是若是只以宗教或个人修养的角度来看,唐三藏代表的不是圣僧,反而是凡夫俗子。1 was---did
2 took---take
3 what---when
4 fell----fall
5 to----with
6 ride----rides
7 will----are
8 shoulds---should
9 watch---watches
10 wasn't---didn't
11 i---me
12 is---are
13 去掉be
14 they----them
15 does ---is
16 goes --go


1.Where did your sister go last night?