
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 23:14:49


Welcome back Gresha. 欢迎回来,格里沙。
Oh, how was the recruit Daniel? 哦,丹尼尔,招募新兵如何?
Boring. 没劲。
Ha, there's any conversation those recruits will soon be hearing it. 哈,我们的对话很快会被那些新兵听见。

Somebody share! 各位请注意。
It's good to see you all here today. 今天很高兴在这里见到大家。
And it will be even better to see you soon breaking through that wall. 如果大家能很快冲破那堵墙就更好了。
Then we'll teach those NATO dogs how to fight. 我们就能教教那些北约狗怎么打仗了。

They thought they could bully us into submission. 他们以为能欺负我们,让我们投降。
They thought we'd give way and foul. 他们以为我们会屈服和退缩。
And today we'll show them that the red army bows to no one. 今天,我们要让让他们看到红军不会向任何人低头。
Today, we'll show them the might of Soviet Union! 今天,我们要让他们看看苏联的强大!
!@#$%%, we go to war. 我们开战!


我教你吧: 记得给我分数哦~~
1.welcome back
2.how is the cruise venue?
3.boring 无聊
4.it's good to see u all here today
5.and it will be better to see u s