
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 16:12:39

人心不古public morality is not what is used to be

世态炎凉the fickleness of the world
inconstancy of human relationships

我们翻译的时候必须意译。,总的来说就是relationship fluctuationO(∩_∩)O哈哈~不过还是参考一下下面吧


句子呢 可以这样翻译
The public morality is not what is used to be,and you can feel the fickleness of the world, the inconstancy of human relationships.

The attitude of people in this world have become so indifferent, it is the kind of warm-heartedness ago disappeared.

Nowdays,people has not been honest as the eld,and the world is full of callosity

Be unschooled in the wa