求一首歌,在887上听到的,他说歌名时我没怎么听清,什么No bang dream

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 04:44:30
他说叫No bang dream。中间那个词我没听清,就是发bang的音……
有一句词是There is no bang dream .谢谢

你说的应该是No Boundaries这首歌,Kris Allen 唱的。

Kris Allen <<No boundaries>>


You know what you want but how long can you wait/你知道自己的目标,可你还能守候多久

Everymoment lasts forever/你感到已迷失方向

When you fee lyou've lost your way/每一刻都漫长到没有尽头

And what if my chances are already gone/万一我已无获胜的机会,我该怎样

Is tarted believing that I could be wrong/我开始怀疑自己可能走错了方向

But you gave me one good reason/可你给了我一个充足的理由

To fight and never walk away/去奋力拼搏,决不退缩

So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持

With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山

Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息

You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬

Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼

To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀

Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候

Just when you've al