
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 11:27:50




the unbearable lightness of being by Milan Kundera

I have readed it two year ago,I couldn't remember it any more.
Desire is the nature of human being.Frued try to explain consciousness by desire like sex ,hungry.So the Kundera choose the desire as the line of the story.
I remember my friend ask me one qestion:"If there are two choice,which one you would like to choose:A,your husband/wife have relate with whores;B,your husband/wife really fall in love with other else."One of her friend's answer is:"I will choose A,they just serve my husband,I can't bear he fall in love with others."One of her coworker' s answer is :"If he has done that,don't let me know,or our marriage will be over."one of my friend's answer is "I choice B,because she is good,and find another one better t