I don't care you about over , want to have future with you but, now's you make me very bewildered.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/08 02:47:20



i don't care about you if it's over,(i don't care about you over all)want to have future with you,but now you made me very bewilder.


如果你是要翻译的话 那译文如下 不再在乎结果,想和你拥有未来,但现在你让我很困惑。

建议你最好把句子改改 I don't care about the ruslt,and want to be together with you for all of my life ,but now you 've made me very confused.

拜托 这英语也太烂了吧