
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 22:38:15


pat 是手掌拍, 比如拍拍你的肩膀
tap 是手指拍, 比如你手指按键盘的动作


If you pat something or someone, you tap them lightly, usually with your hand held flat. 轻拍
例:"Don't you worry about any of this," she said patting me on
the knee.
“不要为这事操什么心了,”她说道,轻轻拍了拍我的膝盖。例:The landlady patted her hair nervously.

If you tap something, you hit it with a quick light blow or a series of quick light blows. 轻敲
例:He tapped the table nervously with his fingers.
例:Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in.格雷斯轻轻地敲卧室的门,然后进去了。

The verb 'to pat' means to strike gently with the palm of the hand or with something similarly flat.

'To tap' means to strike with an implement, for example a pencil or a hammer, but it could be a finger or the beak of a bird. These latter two items could be considered to be implements for the purpose of this explanati