
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:47:41


1. "Martin" 应该是您老板的名而不是他的姓,因此称他为 "Mr. Martin"就不恰当. 虽然一般上西方的老板在办公处都不会太过注重繁文缛节,可是也要看场合,比如在会议中,您就必须称他为 Mr. X (姓),而在个气氛轻松的办公场所,西方老板一般上都不介意属下以名来称呼他(她)们.总而言之,您要能够随机应变 (Play by the ear).

When meeting your boss for the first time (as a Trainee):

1. Introduce yourself briefly
2. Thank him for giving you the opportunity, to practise what you
have learnt, in his company.
3. Tell him his staff are friendly and helpful.
4. Tell him the working environment is excellent
5. Tell him that you have actually learnt somethings and enjoy
your time as a trainee in his company.

1. Please to meet you Mr. XX, my name is XXX
2. I wish to thank you for taking me on as a Trainee
3. The staff here are very friendly and helpful, and the working
environment is excellent.I get on very well with everyone here.
4. Apart from practising what I have learnt at the college (or
university), I have a