
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 22:47:50
能找到多少给我多少 越全越好
有中英文对照最好 没有只要E文也无所谓

Illidan: "Akama... your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago."(阿卡玛,你的两面三刀并不让我感到意外,我早该把你和你那些畸形的同胞全都杀掉)
Akama: "We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people and all of Outland shall be free!"(我们要终结你的统治,伊利丹。我和整个外域的人民将重获自由)
llidan: "Boldly said. But I remain unconvinced."(说的好,但是,这毫无意义)
Akama: "The time has come! The moment is at hand!"(时机成熟了,终于等到这一天了)
Illidan:You are not prepared!(你们这时自寻死路!)(中文这句翻译地不错)
(in combat)(战斗中)
Iillidan:Come, my minions. Deal with this traitor as he deserves! (来吧,我的手下门们,让这个叛徒付出应有的代价!)
Feel the hatred of ten thousand years!(感受一万年的仇恨吧!)
Who shall be next to taste my blades?! (谁还想来尝试我的利刃?)
This is too easy! (太容易了)
Behold the flames of Azzinoth! (让埃辛洛斯的火焰吞噬你们!)
Stare into the eyes of the Betrayer! (直视背叛者的双眼吧)
Behold the power... of the demon within! (感受恶魔之力吧!)