
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 05:17:46

“泰山童子”的灵感来源于充满文化、自然内涵和动人传说的“五岳之首”泰山,以拟人化的泰山石赋予吉祥寓意。以石头为基础设计吉祥物,成为十一运会吉祥物创作的一个创新。“泰山童子”形象跳跃,造型独特,简洁大方,生动可爱,积极向上。耳朵形如泰山云朵,象征吉祥;竖起大拇指,象征拼搏精神;“童子”眉心一点红,寓意给儿童祈求平安,红颜色衣服代表中国红;胸口是十一运会会徽标志。(英语)。。。。。。Eleventh National Games mascot and the theme of the slogan in October 2008 the evening of 14 official announcement of Jinan in Shandong. Mascot for the "Tarzan Boy" and the theme slogan of "universal harmony in the whole of China delivered." The highest level of China's comprehensive Games, National Games will be the eleventh October 11, 2009 opening of Jinan in Shandong, which will be in China after the Beijing Olympic Games sports development in an overall review of the results.
"Tarzan Boy" is full of inspiration from the cultural, natural content and moving story of the "Five Sacred Mountains o