
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 00:07:17
习惯 用 悲伤旳 文字 来 叙述 自己
强忍着眼角的泪水, 不让它掉落 。

曾经 。开在生命里那些的花儿

I was not lonely
I I am the only one of the world has enough
Text are used to describe the grief their
Know their own look at some sad things to read
Endure the tears of his eyes, do not let it fall.
Especially when drought limits was also vague when light
I heard that song sound, sound softly

Before,Open to those in the life of the flowers

I'm not lonely
I have only one world
Used to sorrowful described himself
See some knew at the sad thing
Trying out the tears, don't let it drop.
The vague and the light
And I heard the sound, thin thin twitter

Once. In the life of those flowers

look at a few not at all lonely only when
my world narrating self during the past my characters being accustomed already enough with sorrowful ? A knowing perfectly well that self has been looked at the tear asking the grieved thing to be bearing a corner of the eye by force , the block of wood h