
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 16:09:01

See my favorite films is <slums millionaire>. Not because of the millionaire movie is very intense competition and tension, because in this movie, it reflects the darkness of the social peace poor! Just like in the film at the beginning, it will be released every day, talked about the Indian war, every day it was dead! When children have lost their parents to live alone, do all the things included murder and theft! But this film also screened at the community39;s bright future! like film which the protagonist that he felt the last of Columbia to own a lot of things wrong, so he helped him get back his beloved brother's girlfriend, to help them free at the expense of its own!

<Slumdog Millionaire> is my most favorite film. Not because of the fierce and keen competitions, but because in this film, it reflected the darkness and poverty of society! As the beginning of the film, it said war breaks out every day in India, lots of people are died every day! Children