中国环境污染问题 用英语回答

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 14:50:10
such as acid rain,air pollution,global warming~~~

Rivers flowing through cities, 90 percent of the river are affected by serious pollution, 75 percent of lakes nationwide negative nutritional issue ... ... China's increasingly serious environmental pollution problems. This is the State Environmental Protection Administration, Luo Yi, deputy director of science and technology in the eighth CHITEC the development of China's Circular Economy Summit disclosed.
According to Luo, the current red tide in coastal areas in China each year than the last century occurred in the eighties, more than three times more than, the effects of acid rain area has accounted for one third of the land area, urban problems of noise nuisance to the public, the National Land and Water the loss of an area of 3,560,000 square kilometers, less than the total amount of forest resources, ecosystem degradation.
In addition, a century in developed countries, environmental problems that may occur in phases, such as the black-odor water, industria