
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 15:49:45
Don‘t forget it will you? (不用Won’t you? )
Come here early please,will you?
Let‘s go to the beach, shall we?
I don‘t believe he has done it,has he?
Everyone is here,aren‘t they?
Playing football in the street is right, isn‘t it?
Nothing is right, is it?
To see is to believe, isn‘it?
Everyone comes here ,don‘t they?
Nobody can help us,can they?
Everything is ready,isn‘t it?
He can hardly read English,can he?
It seldom rains here,does it?
It is unfair ,isn‘t it?
He dislike it, doesn‘t he?
Jack must have arrived here,hasn‘t he?
Li Ping must have finished her work last night,didn‘t she?

没错。前否后肯,前肯后否,前有hardly,never等否定后肯,前有un-,in-,im-,ir-等属于意义上的否定,不是句子的否定,所有属于肯定句,后用否定。祈使句特殊,和你有关用will you和我(们)有关用shall we/I。think等引导从句时需要否定前置的句子也要特殊注意。具体的可以上网下个高考一轮复习资料看看,会比较全。

Come here early please,will you?(疑问,请求语气加重 这里其实是个省略句“Will you come early?”是需要回答的)
Let‘s go to the beach, shall we?(提出建议)

Everyone is here,aren‘t they?
everyone是单数 应该用isn't it

I don‘t believe he has done it,has he?
表达主语是I 不是he 应该用shall i

Everyone comes here ,don‘t they?
同第一个 用isn't it

Nobody can help us,can they?
同上 用is it 这里CAN 是系动词后面是表语

It is unfair ,isn‘t it?
is it 前面否定后面用肯定

He dislike it, doesn‘t he?

Li Ping must have finished her work last night,didn‘t she?
hasn't she 不解释了