
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 22:02:42

It happens to everyone of us that we encounter in this life a variety of trials, troubles, disappointments and frustrations. It also happens to everyone of us that we encounter happinesses, rewards, and unexpected blessings. What balance we strike- whether we build on the blessings, and progress into an ever-increase of the good things on the positive side, or whether we magnify the miseries until our life sinks to what an old nurse of mine used to call a "depressingness" on the negative side-this issue can depend to a surprising extent on what spirits we create with words.
How often do we speak of the "agony" of some small discomfort like a cut finger or a pinching pair of shoes? How often do we say, when we are a bit tired at the end of a hard day, that we are "pretty nearly dead"? By the thousands we speak poison-words. doom-words, failure-words; and every time we do so we conjure each depressing idea a little farther into life." It makes m