Jonas Brothers 3D演唱会里Nick很伤心弹钢琴时说的话是什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 04:25:39


this song is for every broken heart,for every high and for every low,and for every person who has ever felt alone. and tonight,this song,this song is for here's what i want you to do,i want you to clap your hands,i want you to sing this out as loud as you can,with all of your heart,with all of your soul.sing it!

这首a little bit longer是nick为自己的糖尿病而写的。这首歌激励了他自己,也激励了很多人,因此每次演唱会唱到这首歌他都会这样演讲。