
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 07:29:21

Smalltalk sauerkraut fish

Raw material: grass carp or carp, grass carp is the best, a斤半heavier is better. Sauerkraut 1 (I say one, because大头菜do sauerkraut are generally a one pickled).


1, clean fish after packing to the head, the fish cut into small pieces-down. Fish bone砍成above. If the little pot, the head Retention can be done after the head soup. If the pot large enough, the head also can be done together.

2, fish bone and the head put together salt and料酒salted, another fish separate release also salt and料酒salted, more than 10 minutes on it. Make an egg white grasping the fish absorbed. Sauerkraut cut into short sections, washing three times removed some salt taste, and reserve.

3,热锅after caving fuel, not too many, too many will greasy soup with garlic chopped scallion and ginger to a pot,腌好fish bone put to the head, the speculation, adding water, and more water to put points , had no fish