1.who is entitled to an input tax credit for GST paid

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 11:25:17
2.why a fringe benefit is grossed up before taxis calculated on the value of the benefit
3. the purpose of Division 85 of the income tax assessment Act1997
4. when a "non commercial loss" is important and why it is important

1.In some cases, the provider of the benefit will be entitled to an input tax credit for GST paid. For example, if an employer purchases a car for $22,000 for use by an employee which includes $2000 GST, the employer would be entitled to claim an input tax credit of $2000.If the employee had purchased the car directly, no input tax credit would be available.

2.If they buy from a non-registered supplier, the price will include an implicit GST component but no credit will be available for the GST embedded in the price. Thus, a business would want to be registered if its customers were registered and could claim input tax credits on their acquisitions. On the other hand, if a business’customers were final consumers who were not able to claim input tax credits on their acquisitions, the business would not want to be registered because its price to final consumers would be lower than the final price of a registered business.

3.Division 85 disallows certain deductio