
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:00:09

正方:Collection of your favorite items is a personal hobbies, the performance of an individual seeking to enhance the love of life, a strong-minded people. At the same time, collection of items is likely to become in a few years later, precious relics and historical value.
反方:Collection of items too loving not only a waste of money, but also affect the normal life and quality of life. There was even items for collection at your favorite daughter. This is the favorite for the obsession with change is absolutely undesirable.

Personality, temperament is among the stability of the personality, personality, temperament and how, on the career choices of college students and even professional success continued to play a role. U.S. assistant professor of psychology and Yuehanhuolan created the personality types and types of occupational theory, he thinks of every professional who can be carried out in accordance with the following description of the personality of the six: 1-realit